Go From Beginner to Pro Day Trader No Experience needed

Go From Beginner to Pro Day Trader No Experience needed


 If you are a beginner or unprofitable trader and you want to become a pro trader, this article is for you, because a lot of people don't understand how hard it is to actually become a profitable trader. In order to do that guys, you have to have a winning mindset right and winning habits, and that's what we're going to talk about today, because I know for a fact:

 a lot of people do not know how hard it is because if I tell someone you Know what I do for a living automatically, what they say is: oh, can you teach me, can you teach me and if I said I was a doctor or a lawyer or you know a real estate agent right, whatever nobody would come to me and say: hey Can you teach me no because they understand that it takes time to do that, but for some reason, when it comes to day trading automatically, they think that is something you can pick up in a day or so. But it's nothing like that. I'm here to tell you: okay, you have to have the winning mindset and the habits.


So that's what we're going to talk about today. Now the first thing you have to understand: prot traders are willing to miss out on trades. Okay, if you're not willing to miss out on trades, I can 100 % guarantee you. You are not a profitable trader.

Prot traders understand that certain days or certain trades are not theirs, so they won't trade. They won't force it because it doesn't make any sense right. It doesn't make any sense to actually waste my capital, mental capital or trading capital on silly trades that are not dares now.

The next thing prot traders do very well right, is managing their ego. This is a big one, because I see it all the time - and this is not just trading a lot of people when they see success or when they finally achieve it or finally, you know get some type of success. They get bigheaded, they brag or get cocky or whatever the case is, and they think they know it all right and that's the thing: that's really going to hurt them in the long run, because eventually they're going to crash and burn.

You have to be humble. Very humble, especially when it comes to this trading game, because the market will humble you if you're not humble, so you have to manage your ego, you can't get too cocky. I understand that you are on a winning streak.

I understand that you're finally seeing success, but you have to calm down. You have to make sure that your ego doesn't get too big to the point where you say I know it. I know the market is going to do this.

I know the market's going to go up. I know the market is going to go down so guys make sure you don't get bigheaded once you actually become a profitable trader now. The next thing pro traders understand very well is time. Okay, you have to understand time, because if you don't, I mean you're just going to give up so once you understand that everything takes time, you would definitely become a much better person overall.

Okay, because you understand, okay, whatever I do, especially if it's new it's going to take time once you understand that you're not going to complain month, two or month, three right or month, six, because you understand it, takes time, don't be that guy or that girl. That's going to you know, come in here and complain on the second month like oh man, it been two months, oh man and been 3 months, and I'm still not profitable guys. You have to understand everything in life. What whatever you're trying to do it takes time, especially if you're trying to get a big reward.

It takes time. Prot traders understand that and they keep going right. I was actually listen to another trader.

The other day he's like someone asked him: hey man, you know, you know what it takes to be a a a you know: a profitable trader, a consistent trader. He said man, listen, it takes half a decade of just not giving up. That goes back to time. Can't give up, I mean you just got to keep going understand that things.

Take time, understand that you got to chip away, learn from your mistakes, take it day by day and there's nothing you can do about that. So understand understand time, understand that you know things will eventually click, but you got to give it some time now. The next thing is prot traders need repeatability right and they understand this at a high level, most new traders. What they do is they get a strategy.

They win maybe for a couple of weeks and if they have a losing week, go to the next strategy. They keep repeating that right, like they keep going to the next strategy going to the next strategy going to the next strategy. But they don't understand that you have to have one thing and you have to lean on that one thing and do that one thing over and over and over so you have to have repeatability.

So when you enter the market, it has to be the same way. Pretty much every single time you can't just say: okay monday, I'm going to trade this way, tuesday, I'm going to trade that way wednesday, I'm going to just chase the market, you're, never going to be consistent trading that way guys you have to have repeatability. This is why I like to use the same levels over and over and over, because I'm repeating the same behavior. This is why I like to use the same entry over and over and over, because I'm repeating the same behavior when you repeat the same behavior.

That alone is going to bring consistency. Okay, so repeating the same behavior over and over and over is what's going to help, you be a profitable trader now. The next thing pro traders are very good at is execution guys. They know how to execute.

Execution is all about doing taking action. You have to learn how to do now. Knowledge is power. Okay, but it's not power.

If you don't take any action and believe it or not, taking action is more powerful than knowledge. The thing about knowledge is, you can actually get to success, much quicker right if you have knowledge. So let's say, for example, I didn't know nothing about trading, and I said you know what I'm just going to learn on my own.

I'm not going to learn from nobody, I could probably figure it out. I could probably figure trading out, but guess what it's going to take forever now, what knowledge does is it takes time and it speeds it up, because now you know what to do. You know what to look for. Okay, if you didn't know what to look for guess what it's going to take forever.

But take action is what's going to really bring that wisdom, because when you take action, you're going to learn things that you didn't see in a book right, a book, it's going to tell you how to do things, but eventually, once you start to do things, you Going like oh wow, oh I never read about this. You know I'm starting to see things that you know nobody talks about and guess what you're only going to see that when you take action, so you have to take action and be willing to fail. No matter what, because the action part is going to help you be much smarter and it's going to help. You become good at trading right at a high level.


Now the next thing pro traders do is, they feel fear, and they do it anyway and you have to understand um. We all experience fear, but one thing I know for a fact that a lot of successful people they just face fear head on and if you ask you know pro athletes or anybody, that's successful, maybe they speaking on stage hey. Do you even get nervous before you perform or before you speak on stage, and they will tell you they will always tell you yeah, I get a little bit nervous, but guess what all that goes away. You know in a couple of seconds - or you know the first minute and they understand that yeah, I'm I'm going to be nervous.

Yeah, I'm going to have some fear, okay, but I'm going still do it anyway, no matter what I don't care, if I feel fair, it doesn't matter, I'm going to still go on stage, I'm going to still perform, I'm going to still do whatever I have to Do and that's what prot traders understand. You can't be scared to take the next trade just because you lost two times in a row or just because you lost three times in a row. You have fear, but you still take the trade right. You still do you still execute guys.

Still it doesn't matter how you feel inside. If the strategy tells you to take that trade, you take it no matter how you feel, there's so much power in not caring right, a lot of people care too much. Oh, my gosh.

What, if you know what, if I fail, what what bob going to say what jill is going to say what what what jessica is going to say like guys who cares it doesn't matter when you wake up? Guess what it's just you? It's just you, it's no one else, so you can't worry about what other people's going to think. You can't worry about. You know. Failing you can't worry about a lot of things, so not caring.

I mean, if you're a person that doesn't care that much you're going to be ahead of 95 % of traders, because most traders freeze up or you know when they get on a losing streak. They they just you know, lose a lot of confidence. But once you are fearless guys, I mean I'm telling you right now: you're going to be a very good trader, because you're not scared of the moment. You're, not you're, not folding, you're, not letting those.

Last three losers: paralyze you, okay, you're, just taking a trade. No matter what and that, I know for sure, prot traders are very good at now. The next thing prot traders are very good at that is being very organized.

Okay, show me an unorganized trader and I will show you an unprofitable trader. Okay, I guarantee you an unorganized trader. Is a unprofitable trader, show me an organized trader and I guarantee you, I show you a profitable trader or a trader. That's going to be a profitable trader because being organized is the best thing you can do, because you don't want to go in this game and do things just because you have some type of feeling inside.

I feel like the market's going to go up. So I'm going to take the trade I feel like the market is going to do this, so I'm going to do that. No, you have to be very organized. Follow your plan.

Have a checklist know what you want to do beforehand, right, don't calculate your size after you get in trade, no know how much you want to risk before you take that trade know what setup you're looking for before you take the trade. Everything has to be beforehand. Be very organized because you're dealing with shocks, you're dealing with professionals, you're dealing with millionaires, you're dealing with scientists, you're dealing with math wizards you're dealing with millionaires you're deal dealing with people that been trading for years decades.

So you have to be on point. You have to be very organized if you don't, it will take your money, it's just what it is now. The next thing I know for a fact: prot traders don't care about guys and a lot of new traders and beginner traders.

Prot traders understand that win rate doesn't matter. I remember you know, there's a lot of times where I'm having a winning week and I'm looking at the winning percentage and I'm you know the winning percentage is around. Like 30, something per right, 36 % or or 30 something per right and I'm still profitable for the week.

That's because my winners was bigger than my losers. Once you understand this guys, once you can literally understand win rate, doesn't matter as long as your winners are bigger than your losers, you're not going to care so much about win rate. Okay, most people are not winning 80 90 % of the time guys we talking about most people are winning 40 % of the time, 50 % of the time 60 % of the time you have to understand it.

So if you're a beginner watching this video right now and you're starting trading, understand that you don't have to be right all the time. Okay, you do not have to be right all the time you can literally be wrong more than you're right and still make money. Please understand this: prot traders understand this, so I want you to do that too.

Now, the next thing pro traders do. They take notes of everything, keyword, everything guys their behavior. What made them sad? What's going on in the person personal life, why did I have a bad week? Was it the market? Was it my strategy? They take notes of everything. So I want you to do the same too.

Stop only focusing on the money. Okay, the money is not just the only thing you should be focusing on if you're trading focus on everything else focus on everything take notes on everything, so you can know what's really going on now. The next thing prot traders have reminders.

Okay. Why is that? Because prot traders understand that this is a even though it's a simple game. It could be a very complex game because there are a lot of variables and there are a lot of uh moving parts and some of these moving parts. We actually forget it could be something simple like reminding yourself to check something before you take a trade.

It could be something very simple so having reminders right writing things down, looking at it before you take a trade having a checklist constantly reminding yourself about the little things that goes a long way, because trust me, this game could be very stressful and that stress alone Will make you forget about everything right so remind yourself about everything you need to do before you take a trade or every single week or you know every day, so you won't forget, because if you rely on your memory guys, I'm telling you right now I don't Care how good your memory is in this business, especially this stressful business, where you know you're dealing with a lot of pressure because you're risking your hard earned money you're going to forget trust me, whatever you learn, especially if you're new and you first trading live, you Going to forget everything that you just learned: okay or a lot of - or you going to forget 80 % of the stuff that you just learn and all that stuff is going to go out the window. You going to probably have fomo you going to have revenge trading, whatever the cases so always good to remind yourself what not to do or what to do, and that stuff will keep you grounded and keep you on point every single day. Now the next thing, prot traders are obsessed with figuring out what went wrong. Okay.

Now, what I realized is a lot of unprofitable traders uh a lot of beginners. What they would do is they would play victim right. Oh man, um. You know they would blame everybody else right, they would blame people. That's stopping. You know, stop hunters market makers, uh, you know they would blame everything else, um a course that I take. They would blame. You know some type of program that they took um.

They would blame. You know a strategy that they learn from someone else right, but they will never blame themselves. Prot tradersThey will blame themselves. Even if it's not their fault, they will still blame themselves. The reason why is because if you blame other people, how can you grow? You can't grow because you're never looking to solve the problem.

You're looking to just blame someone else. If you blame yourself now, you can actually work on yourself and fix the problem. So prot traders are always trying to fix problems, always trying to say okay.

What did I do wrong? What is wrong with me? Let me dissect what's going on with me, so I can actually trade much better. That is that's the only thing that matters, because at the end of the day you are the one. That's opening your laptop you, the one! That's clicking, buy, you're the one that click and sell and you're the one that's looking at the charts, so you have to just be real with yourself.

What am I'm doing wrong? What can I do this day or this week? How can I be better this week, so I won't make the same mistake that I did last week. That's the name of the game and prot traders are very good at that. So understand that now.

The last thing I want to talk about is risk management. Risk management is uh key because you have to understand when to cut it off right. You have to understand when to actually let certain trades ride. You have to understand when to say all right.

My daily loss limit is this amount, and if I hit that limit closing my laptop and I'm out, I'm done for the day, you have to do that right. If you want to survive in this game, so you have to understand. Risk management is big because if you lose all your money, how are you going to trade the next day? Okay, so prot traders are very good at playing defense.

They want to play defense right because they know that if I lose too much number one is going to hurt my confidence and number two is going to hurt. My trading account so they're very good at playing defense. They do not want to let one trade or one week blow all their profits.

So that's pretty much. You know the difference between pro traders and beginner traders. I hope you're taking notes, hope you guys got a lot from this if so hit that, like button hit that subscribe button, if you want to learn more link below in the description thanks a lot for your time, guys comment below, because I try to answer all You guys questions thanks a lot and have a great day.


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